I wouldn't call myself a Lord of the Rings fanatic, but I do find wisdom in Tolkien's words, especially in the reflections of the Hobbits. They are simple folk, in love with the land and earth, and not much for technology or industry - certainly not computers. But Bilbo Baggins, the fictional author of "The Hobbit", did find it important to have an account of his adventures, a record of where he went, what he saw, and how he was changed. He wrote his story "There and Back Again" as a diary and also as a window into his adventures, because he knew not everyone could be so privileged to just pack up and go.
I think this is what I hope for in this blog. An accounting of sorts, a space for reflection, and also an acknowledgement that we could not and can not do this alone, but only with the thoughts, prayers, and support of all of you, our family and friends.
As we begin to enter a time of preparation for departure we thought it fitting to begin this story. I don't think either of us know exactly where or how it will end, but that is what makes an adventure, an adventure. We go to serve, to listen, to learn, to grow, and to be changed. But in the meantime, we're packing our literal and metaphorical bags and reflecting on the advice of Bilbo Baggins:
"Stepping out on the road is a dangerous business. You have to keep you feet under you, or before you know it you'll be swept off to who knows where!"
So let's step onto the road - whether it be to distant lands or to local neighborhoods - and follow our feet.